"When the body is cleansed, the mind purified and the senses controlled, joyful awareness, needed to realize the inner self, also comes." -Yoga Sutras |
Join Jenn for 10 days to get clean, purify and de-clutter from the outside, in!
Step 1 LET'S CLEAN HOUSE, DE-CLUTTER, & CREATE SACRED SPACE! We will take an honest look at our surroundings. What kind of conditions are we living in? To practice saucha on a physical level requires an ongoing willingness to monitor the things we keep in our space and to let them go when it is time. Make every space SACRED.
Step 2 PURIFY, CLEANSE, MOVE, STRETCH, & STREGTHEN OUTER BODY Doesn't it just feel awesome to take a shower or a hot bath? Washing off the dirt of the day leaves our bodies energetically uplifted, and refreshed. Putting on nice clean clothes that feel good to wear can also be soothing. Asanas, postures of yoga, cleanse and strengthen our bodies. Our internal organs are massaged, stimulating their function. Pranayama, breathwork, oxygenates the lungs, purifies the blood, cleanses the nerves.
Step 3 INNER BODY CLEANSING We will be nourishing and feeding our bodies by choosing foods that support our health and well-being! Lets clean our bodies of toxins and replace with high nutrient SuperFoods! 10 days to clean up our inner bodies, 10 days to experience what your body feels like after eating clean! Not only will you be eating organic foods, but you will be using the most amazing products help make this 10 day transformation successful!
Step 4 PURIFY THE MIND We will work together to de-clutter our minds, releasing thoughts and stories that no longer serve us. Through meditation, chanting and journaling for the 10 days, we will find CLARITY and PEACE of mind!
EXTRA support and daily check-ins offered by Jenn with additional Yoga classes at MoYo and Lululemon, so come to as many as you can fit into your life : ) Private Yoga is also available upon request
Sunday 10/18 * YOGA DETOX FLOW 10am-11am - at Lululemon
Sunday 10/18 * INTRO MEETING 2pm- 4pm - at Montecito Yoga (MoYo)
Tu/Th 20, 22, 27 * YOGA DETOX FLOW 9am-10:30am - at Montecito Yoga (MoYo)
Th/Tu 22, 27 * YIN YOGA 4:00pm-5:30pm - at Montecito Yoga (MoYo)
Sat 10/24 * YIN YOGA 11:00am-12:30pm at Montecito Yoga (MoYo)
Sun 10/25 * YOGA DETOX FLOW 10am - 11am - at Lululemon